Thursday, May 20, 2010

Writing Prompt

Mafatu’s grandfather had come back from Tahiti with a necklace made from the curling tusks of a wild boar. The necklace was the envy of every man in Hikueru, and Grandfather earned much respect because he possessed it.
• In our society, what are some possessions that create envy? Why do so many people want these particular things? For example, why are things such as expensive cars objects of envy when reasonably priced vehicles provide transportation the same as the expensive ones?

1 comment:

  1. Mafatu’s grandfather had come back from Tahiti with a necklace made from the curling tusks of a wild boar. The necklace was the envy of every man in Hikueru, and Grandfather earned much respect because he possessed it. lockets germany , lockets usa ,
