Monday, May 17, 2010

Research Polynesian Culture

Call it Courage

You will use to research the life and culture of the people in the Polynesian islands. Use the website to research the life and culture of the Polynesian people. Write about 5 interesting facts that you have learned.

Use the weblink below to take you to the site.


  1. *TAHITI*
    1. Tahitian Craftsmen bury newly carved wooden drumsticks in mud for several years.

    2. All Polynesians planted and maintained their own gardens or plantations.

    3. The villagers that lived in the village was because of polynesian cultural centers.

    4. Tahitian society islands is where tahiti is located.

    5. The most common languages that tahitians would use is french and english

    Tiera Thornton

  2. Hawaii

    1. The hawaiin greeting word aloha, is known all over the world and show's off the beauty of the island and the hawaiin people.

    2. Hawaii has more than 6.5 million visitors a year which is more visitors than all the other islands of Polynesia combined.

    3. James Cook was the first European to discover Hawaii in 1787.

    4. Hula is the ancient dance of Hawaii and it's famous for it's grace and romantic music, and often it tells a story or expresses meanings and feelings from almost any phase in life.

    5. Hawaii is located about 2,500 miles southwest of the mainland U.S.A.

    Jazmin Gonzalez

  3. Hawaii's poi is an excellent baby food. Hawaii is sometimes recognized around the world as the language with the fewest letters in the alphabet a,e,i,o,u,h,k,l,m,n,p,w 12 in all. Hawaii is known for the originating the aloha sprit. Hawaii is also famous as the home of hula. Hawaii has over 100 islands

    Alexis Williams

  4. i learned that well-strained hawaiian poi makes an excellcet baby food.the secound thing i learned hula is a ancient dance of hawaii which also evolved into a modern from that is famous for its gace and romantic music.also i learned that the natural beauty of the island is superlative;the tropical climate is is may day that is when at school students get voted as king or queen and royal entourage from island.last of all i learned that 1.3 millon poeple currentry live in hawaii with over 80% of them is on the island oahu and about 20% of the over all population is hawaiian or part of hawaiian

    Angelisha Grier

  5. 5 Interesting facts about Hawaii

    1. There population is 1.3 million living on hawaii and 80% live on oahu , so about 20% is hawaiian or part hawaiian .
    2. Hawaii is south east of the islands and is 2,390 miles away from california.
    3. Hawaii is about 2,500 miles south west of mainland u.s.a
    4. And they have fewer words in the alphabet .
    5 And they have k-12 Hawaiian immersion with the public statewide department of education.

  6. The island of polynesia i am researching on is samoa
    1. samoans are known has the happy people.
    2.samoa is 2,500 miles to the south-west of Hawaii
    3. samoa is approximately in the middle of the polynesian triangle.
    4. samoa is sometimes called the heart of polynesia
    5. the famed 19th century author robert louis stevenson who lived his final years and is buried there.

    Bruce Anderson

    1. They call tattoos pe'a, what it demonstrates is the strong tie the samoans have with there culture
    2.samoans homes are made if coconut fiber which are breaded &the floor is usually made of river stones
    3. They crack coconuts by taking a sharp end of a stick and piercing the husk of a coconut
    4.1,800 miles northeast of New Zealand
    5. There are 180,000 samoans & 69,000 american samoans on the island

    By:Shania Laguerre

  8. *Togua and English. Togan is a major western polynesian dialect that is closely relectant to samoan and several small groups of polynesians in the area.
    *The house in the Polynesian Cultural Center's Togan "village' represent traditional historical architecture.
    *Skillfully orator filled,historical allusions and even poetry is an important part of Tongan.
    *In Fact, Certain men with such skills (in samoa as well) have been designed as "Taking Chiefs".
    *Over a century-and-a half later, British explorer captain James Cook was equally impressed in 1773 & gave the Togans their nicknames, The friendly islands.
    -India Harjo

  9. :) Hawaii :)

    1. The hawian word aloha around the world means hello to you and me
    but it also reflects beauty
    2. Hawaii ha s many arts and cultures like hula dancing .
    3. There are actually over 100 islands in hawaii .
    4. Kala is a type in america of fish Kala in hawaii is money or dollar.
    5. Hawaii is located about to be 2,500 miles West - southwest of the main land of the U.S.A. :( Bye:( I hope you know about Hawaii now :( BYE:(

  10. The facts that I learned are that polynesians:

    1. That they wear grass skirts In a way they are all very healthy eating things like rice,fruits,vegetables,salads,etcm

    2. In a way they are all very healthy eating things like rice,fruits,vegetables,salads,etc

    3. Also that they have a lot of tourist and visitors there.

    4. Men and women are happy to be polynesian.

    5. That they are very creative.

    6. Lastly that they have different dances to in a way express there feelings

  11. Im writing about Hawaii the most beautiful place I know. Hawaii was discovered in 1787 by captain James Hook. Hawaii is located about 2,500 miles south west of mainland U.S.A. the population is about 1.3 million people. The men in Hawaii were tattoo's on them. Hawaii is the only major part of the polynesia that is north equator. Hawaii is an interesting place to me and i wish to learn more.

    Anthony Johnson

  12. Hawaii location is 2390 miles from California and 3850 from Japan 4900 from China 5280 from the Philippines.The population is about 1.3 million.Hawaiian greeting word is aloha. may day is lei day in hawaii.Hawaii is one of the leading visitor destination in the world.

    Michael Anglin

  13. when i researched on rapa niu i learned that they were famous throughout the world for there stone statues.They also make ancient canoe home called hareka. they call it a canoe boat because it is shaped like one tat is flipped over and .The people of that island speak spanish and limited english.

  14. The facts that I learned are that polynesians:

    1. That they wear grass skirts In a way they are all very healthy eating things like rice,fruits,vegetables,salads,etcm

    2. In a way they are all very healthy eating things like rice,fruits,vegetables,salads,etc

    3. Also that they have a lot of tourist and visitors there.

    4. Men and women are happy to be polynesian.

    5. That they are very creative.

    6. Lastly that they have different dances to in a way express there feelings


  15. The island that i am researching of Polynesia is Fiji

    1.About half of the population is East Indian

    2.Fijians do not wear hats because they think the head is sacred.

    3.The indigenous Fijians to are widely known for there warmth and friendly smiles.

    4.Yagona and kava is common drinks used throught Fiji.

    5.And the islands are very close.

    Ferron Mohamad
